隐喻研究的基本现状、焦点及趋势被引频次 1009
林书武,中国社会科学院语言研究所摘 要 本文在林书武(1997),束定芳(2000)的专著,李福印(2000)的背景下,在参阅文献的基础上,归纳出当今隐喻研究的七个主题,包括理论研究到应用于语言教学等各个方面。接着叙述重要的论著和研讨会,主要的研究学者、机构及刊物。说明研究的焦点是概念隐喻、概念整合理论、空间隐喻研究、转喻和其他修辞格的研究。最后预测研究的发展趋势:继续进行侧重于认知平面的隐喻理论研究;结合语言的神经理论进行研究;结合文化人类学进行研究。
认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学被引频次 975
王 寅,苏州大学外国语学院摘 要 认知语言学的哲学基础是体验哲学 ,其中心内容主要包括三项基本原则 :心智的体验性、认知的无意识性、思维的隐喻性。体验哲学是第一代认知科学和第二代认知科学的分水岭 ,也是语言符号象似性的认知基础。认知语言学是对乔姆斯基革命的一场革命。
被引频次 823
梁晓波,复旦大学外文系摘 要 本文讨论了认知语言学理论对英语词汇教学的指导作用 ,重点论述了认知语言学所关注的基本范畴词汇 ,词语语义理据 ,词语多义之间深层联系 ,词语隐喻义和认知语义学理论等方面对当前大学英语词汇教学的指导作用。文中指出 ,积极借鉴认知语言学理论将为词汇教学带来意想不到的收获。
被引频次 804
王 寅,四川外语学院外国语文研究中心摘 要 经验论、唯理论和解释派哲学分别聚焦于交际的三个不同环节:作者、文本、读者,同时还产生了相对应的翻译观。这些理论过于偏重某一环节,似有以偏概全之不足。Lakoff和Johnson所倡导的体验哲学正好可修补这些理论之不足,而且也能对翻译作出一个较为全面的解释。本文尝试根据体验哲学和认知语言学的基本观点,拟构了翻译的认知语言学模式:翻译是以对现实世界体验为背景的认知主体所参与的多重互动为认知基础的,译者在透彻理解源语言(含古代语言)语篇所表达出的各类意义的基础上,尽量将其在目标语中映射转述出来,在译文中应着力勾画出原作者所欲描写的现实世界和认知世界, 须兼顾作者、文本、读者三个要素,倡导和谐翻译。
国外认知语言学研究综观被引频次 568
文 旭,北京师范大学外语系摘 要 认知语言学是研究建立在我们对世界的经验以及观察和概念化世界的方式基础之上的人类语言的一门新兴学科,是近年来国外语言学中的热点,其研究范围极其宽广。本文分七个部分介绍了该领域的研究状况:范畴化与典型理论、概念隐喻、意象及其维度、框架理论和脚本理论、拟象性、语法化和认知语用推理。作者认为,21世纪将是认知语言学的时代,了解国外的研究状况,引进与自创相结合,将对我国的认知语言学研究与发展起到巨大的推动作用。
被引频次 564
王文斌,宁波大学国际交流学院摘 要 本文从概念合成理论的发展轨迹及主要思想、在国内的研究与应用、主要功绩、存在问题及对该理论的检验这五个方面展开论述。本文主要通过对幽默言语在线认知解读机制的探讨,发现概念合成理论所提出的“四空间”模型并不能充分说明幽默言语的在线认知解读机制,因为幽默效果在很大程度上并不是建基于相似性,而往往是以各相关空间之间的彼此冲突为触发机制。本文还发现,就某种程度而言,隐喻言语的认知解读机制其实也离不开空间冲突这一心理机制。本文因此提出,在正确把握幽默言语和隐喻言语的认知解读过程时,应重视空间冲突这一触发机制。
被引频次 475
王 寅,四川外语学院外国语文研究中心严辰松,解放军外国语学院学报编辑部摘 要 语法化是语言演变的重要方面,是当代语言学(包括认知语言学)关注的重要课题之一。语法化的过程是:语言形式的意义从实义向虚义转变,其功能从实词向语法功能词、附着成分、词缀、乃至屈折形式演变。这一过程呈现单向、有序、抽象化和专门化等特征。高频率重复和惯常化是语法化的必要条件,它的动因包括语言接触、创新用法、误解和误用及语用因素。通常认为,语法化的机制是类推和重新分析,演变的方式有隐喻、转喻和主观化等。
心理空间与概念整合:理论发展及其应用被引频次 444
张 辉,解放军国际关系学院科研部杨 波,解放军国际关系学院二系摘 要 本文主要述介心理空间和概念整合理论近几年来最新的发展状况。该理论的发展主要涉及其内部架构的修订及应用研究。本文综览心理空间和概念整合理论的6个方面:理论的内部架构研究、概念整合与认知文体学研究、概念整合与语法研究、概念整合与比喻语言研究、概念整合与神经语言学和语言习得研究以及概念整合与批评话语分析研究。
被引频次 428
王 寅,四川外语学院TOP 10
被引频次 422
文 旭,西南师范大学外国语学院摘 要 认知语言学是语言学中的一种新范式 ,它包含许多不同的理论和研究方法。由于认知语言学把人们的日常经验看成是语言使用的基础 ,因此 ,在许多方面它与生成语言学存在很大的差别。本文在整合认知语言学各种理论方法的基础上 ,探讨了这一认知范式的研究目标、基本原则及研究方法。
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Do young children have adult syntactic competence?
Cited frequency 673
Tomasello M,Max Planck SocietyAbstract Many developmental psycholinguists assume that young children have adult syntactic competence, this assumption being operationalized in the use of adult-like grammars to describe young children's language. This "continuity assumption" has never had strong empirical support, but recently a number of new findings have emerged - both from systematic analyses of children's spontaneous speech and from controlled experiments - that contradict it directly. In general, the key finding is that most of children's early linguistic competence is item based, and therefore their language development proceeds in a piecemeal fashion with virtually no evidence of any system-wide syntactic categories, schemas, or parameters. For a variety of reasons, these findings are not easily explained in terms of the development of children's skills of linguistic performance, pragmatics, or other "external" factors. The framework of an alternative, usage-based theory of child language acquisition - relying explicitly on new models from Cognitive-Functional Linguistics - is presented.
Cited frequency 541
Swain Merrill,University of TorontoLapkin Sharon,University of TorontoAbstract This paper argues, and provides data to support the argument, that in producing an L2 learners will on occasion become aware of (i.e. notice) a linguistic problem. Noticing a problem can 'push' learners to modify their output. In doing so, learners may sometimes be forced into a move syntactic processing mode than might occur in comprehension. Thus, output sets 'noticing' in train, triggering mental processes that lead to modified output. What goes on between the original output and its reprocessed form, it is suggested, is part of the process of second language learning.
A probabilistic earley parser as a psycholinguistic model
Cited frequency 512
Hale John,Harvard Medical SchoolAbstract In human sentence processing, cognitive load can be defined many ways. This report considers a definition of cognitive load in terms of the total probability of structural options that have been disconfirmed at some point in a sentence: the surprisal of word w(i) given its prefix w(0...i-1) on a phrase-structural language model. These loads can be efficiently calculated using a probabilistic Earley parser (Stolcke, 1995) which is interpreted as generating predictions about reading time on a word-by-word basis. Under grammatical assumptions supported by corpus-frequency data, the operation of Stolcke's probabilistic Earley parser correctly predicts processing phenomena associated with garden path structural ambiguity and with the subject/object relative asymmetry.
Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: The construct of task-induced involvement
Cited frequency 495
Batia Laufer,University of Haifa Victoria University WellingtonHulstijn Jan,University of AmsterdamAbstract The paper makes an attempt to stimulate theoretical thinking and empirical research in the domain of L2 vocabulary learning by introducing a construct of involvement with motivational and cognitive dimensions: Need, Search, and Evaluation. Retention of hitherto unfamiliar words is claimed to be conditional upon the amount of involvement while processing these words. Involvement is operationalised by tasks designed to vary in the degree of need, search, and evaluation. The paper reviews a number of constructs that are currently debated and investigated in the literature on cognitive and motivational aspects of L2 learning. It also re-examines the existing empirical literature on task effect in the light of the proposed construct of task-induced involvement, stresses the need for deepening and broadening the construct, and discusses possibilities it offers for research on vocabulary learning.
Task complexity, task difficulty, and task production: Exploring interactions in a componential framework
Cited frequency 495
Robinson Peter,Aoyama Gakuin UniversityAbstract This paper describes a framework for examining the effects of the cognitive complexity of tasks on language production and learner perceptions of task difficulty, and for motivating sequencing decisions in task-based syllabuses. Results of a study of the relationship between task complexity, difficulty, and production show that increasing the cognitive complexity of a direction-giving map task significantly affects speaker-information-giver production (more lexical variety on a complex version and greater fluency on a simple version) and hearer-information-receiver interaction (more confirmation checks on a complex version). Cognitive complexity also significantly affects learner perceptions of difficulty (e.g. a complex version is rated significantly more stressful than a simple version). Task role significantly affects ratings of difficulty, though task sequencing (simple to complex versus the reverse sequence) does not. However, sequencing does affect the accuracy and fluency of speaker production. Implications of the findings for task-based syllabus design and further research into task complexity, difficulty, and production interactions are discussed.
Language Is a Complex Adaptive System: Position Paper
Cited frequency 493
Beckner Clay,University of WarwickEllis Nick C.,University of MichiganRichard A Blythe,University of EdinburghAbstract Language has a fundamentally social function. Processes of human interaction along with domain-general cognitive processes shape the structure and knowledge of language. Recent research in the cognitive sciences has demonstrated that patterns of use strongly affect how language is acquired, is used, and changes. These processes are not independent of one another but are facets of the same complex adaptive system (CAS). Language as a CAS involves the following key features: The system consists of multiple agents (the speakers in the speech community) interacting with one another. The system is adaptive; that is, speakers' behavior is based on their past interactions, and current and past interactions together feed forward into future behavior. A speaker's behavior is the consequence of competing factors ranging from perceptual constraints to social motivations. The structures of language emerge from interrelated patterns of experience, social interaction, and cognitive mechanisms. The CAS approach reveals commonalities in many areas of language research, including first and second language acquisition, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, language evolution, and computational modeling.
Translanguaging as a Practical Theory of Language
Cited frequency 468
Wei Li ,Lab Data Discovery Hlth University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust UCL Institute of EducationAbstract This article seeks to develop Translanguaging as a theory of language and discuss the theoretical motivations behind and the added values of the concept. I contextualize Translanguaging in the linguistic realities of the 21st century, especially the fluid and dynamic practices that transcend the boundaries between named languages, language varieties, and language and other semiotic systems. I highlight the contributions Translanguaging as a theoretical concept can make to the debates over the Language and Thought and the Modularity of Mind hypotheses. One particular aspect of multilingual language users' social interaction that I want to emphasize is its multimodal and multisensory nature. I elaborate on two related concepts: Translanguaging Space and Translanguaging Instinct, to underscore the necessity to bridge the artificial and ideological divides between the so-called sociocultural and the cognitive approaches to Translanguaging practices. In doing so, I respond to some of the criticisms and confusions about the notion of Translanguaging.
Nouns and verbs in the brain: A review of behavioural, electrophysiological, neuropsychological and imaging studies
Cited frequency 367
Gabriella Vigliocco,University College LondonDavid Vinson,University College LondonDruks, Judit,University College LondonAbstract In the past 30 years there has been a growing body of research using different methods (behavioural, electrophysiological, neuropsychological, TMS and imaging studies) asking whether processing words from different grammatical classes (especially nouns and verbs) engage different neural systems. To date, however, each line of investigation has provided conflicting results. Here we present a review of this literature, showing that once we take into account the confounding in most studies between semantic distinctions (objects vs. actions) and grammatical distinction (nouns vs. verbs), and the conflation between studies concerned with mechanisms of single word processing and those studies concerned with sentence integration, the emerging picture is relatively clear-cut: clear neural separability is observed between the processing of object words (nouns) and action words (typically verbs), grammatical class effects emerge or become stronger for tasks and languages imposing greater processing demands. These findings indicate that grammatical class per se is not an organisational principle of knowledge in the brain; rather, all the findings we review are compatible with two general principles described by typological linguistics as underlying grammatical class membership across languages: semantic/pragmatic, and distributional cues in language that distinguish nouns from verbs. These two general principles are incorporated within an emergentist view which takes these constraints into account.
Turn-taking in Human Communication - Origins and Implications for Language Processing
Cited frequency 316
Levinson, Stephen C.,Max Planck SocietyAbstract Most language usage is interactive, involving rapid turn-taking. The turn-taking system has a number of striking properties: turns are short and responses are remarkably rapid, but turns are of varying length and often of very complex construction such that the underlying cognitive processing is highly compressed. Although neglected in cognitive science, the system has deep implications for language processing and acquisition that are only now becoming clear. Appearing earlier in ontogeny than linguistic competence, it is also found across all the major primate clades. This suggests a possible phylogenetic continuity, which may provide key insights into language evolution.
TOP 10
Turning the tables: language and spatial reasoning
Cited frequency 313
Gleitman Lila,University of PennsylvaniaAbstract This paper investigates possible influences of the lexical resources of individual languages on the spatial organization and reasoning styles of their users. That there are such powerful and pervasive influences of language on thought is the thesis of the Whorf-Sapir linguistic relativity hypothesis which, after a lengthy period in intellectual limbo, has recently returned to prominence in the anthropological, linguistic, and psycholinguistic literatures. Our point of departure is an influential group of cross-linguistic studies that appear to show that spatial reasoning is strongly affected by the spatial lexicon in everyday use in a community (e.g. Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1993). Linguistic and nonlinguistic coding of spatial arrays: explorations in Mayan cognition (Working Paper No. 24). Nijmegen: Cognitive Anthropology Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Cognitive Linguistics 6 (1995) 33). Specifically, certain groups customarily use an externally referenced spatial-coordinate system to refer to nearby directions and positions ("to the north") whereas English speakers usually employ a viewer-perspective system ("to the left"). Prior findings and interpretations have been to the effect that users of these two types of spatial system solve rotation problems in different ways. reasoning strategies imposed by habitual use of the language-particular lexicons themselves. The present studies reproduce these different problem-solving strategies in speakers of a single language (English) by manipulating landmark cues, suggesting that language itself may not be the key causal factor in choice of spatial perspective. Prior evidence on rotation problem solution from infants (e.g. Acredolo. L.P. (1979). Laboratory versus home: the effect of environment on the 9-month-old infant's choice of spatial reference system. Developmental Psychology, 15 (6), 666-667) and from laboratory animals (e.g. Restle, F. (1975). Discrimination of cues in mazes: a resolution of the place-vs.-response question. Psychological Review, 64, 217-228) suggests a unified interpretation of the findings: creatures approach spatial problems differently depending on the availability and suitability of local landmark cues. The results are discussed in terms of the current debate on the relation of language to thought, with particular emphasis on the question of why different cultural communities favor different perspectives in talking about space.
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Tomasello M, Swain Merrill, Lapkin Sharon, Hale John, Batia Laufer, Hulstijn Jan, Robinson Peter, Beckner Clay, Ellis Nick C., Richard A Blythe, Wei Li.
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